Orbry Wet Room Waterproofing Tips
We all know that base of a wet room is the most important part – if it’s not watertight the tiles and accessories may all have to be ripped up anyway to asses damage and make repairs. When installing a wet room you are essentially transforming the entire room into one large shower enclosure so tanking becomes a necessity. We’ve put together some simple waterproofing tips to help you get the job done as efficiently as possible.
Firstly you will need to choose which tanking method is best for the wet room. If you’re limited on space a thin paint-on compound might be best, but if not then tile backer boards are one of the best choices. These strong boards can hold heavy tiles and will also act as a waterproofing and insulating layer – great if you are also planning to add underfloor heating.
Next you want to make sure that the area you need to waterproof is clear from anything that might stop you from covering the area fully. Remove any old tiles and adhesive and make sure there is no flaking paint or crumbling plaster. Fill holes and make sure the filler is completely dry before you begin tanking. Make sure the floor is fixed and rigid – screw down any loose timber floorboards.
Make a note and mark all water and power points – the waterproof layer should not be punctured once completed. When choosing a wet room tray and drain make sure the tray has built in falls and the drain has the correct capacity to cope with the amount of water from the wet room shower. If the water does not drain away properly there is more risk that the wet room could leak, causing expensive damage. Another way to avoid this is to tank the entire wet room, not just the area around the shower as tiles and adhesive are not waterproof and water could splash throughout the room. Adding a glass wet room shower screen will help keep water contained in the shower area without interrupting the open plan look.
Once your waterproofing is installed you should use waterproof tape and compound to reinforce any joints between boards and shower trays. When the room is completely watertight you can install tiles using a suitable adhesive and grout. Make sure any other fixtures you choose are suitable for use in wet areas – for example lighting.
Browse and order the full range of Orbry Wet Room products including tile backer boards, shower trays, drains, shower screens and waterproofing online in the Orbry Shop.